Friday, January 31, 2014 0 comments

I Believe...


“We all have our own life to pursue, Our own kind of dream to be weaving... And we all have the power To make wishes come true, As long as we keep believing.” 
~ Louisa May Alcott

 I am always amazed by the talent and sheer determination of the human race. I mean, who thinks of these things?? Playing three different musical parts, on one ukulele, all at the same time? Does this ability to attempt to do the impossible come from a greater belief in oneself, or the love of a new challenge or maybe it's the driving force that makes human beings unique? Maybe it's in the knowledge  that possibility lies in the impossible and not in the mouths of the nay sayers. Maybe it's in the mind of the dreamer who recognizes that the opinions of others do not matter and that the power  to make  dreams come true rests within ourselves. Whatever the motivation may be, I am moved  by the power of the believers. I am inspired and thankful for the reminder to dare to try, try again and to believe that the power of possibility resides within each and everyone of us.

May the belief in your dreams always be greater than the opinion of others...for when you believe in yourself, all things are possible. 
Saturday, December 29, 2012 0 comments

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
Monday, November 5, 2012 0 comments

He knows my Heart

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 0 comments

Terrific Tuesday

Friday, June 29, 2012 0 comments

best love

The best love is the one
that makes you a better person,
without changing you 
into someone other than yourself.

Thursday, June 28, 2012 0 comments



Wednesday, June 27, 2012 0 comments


i want to THINK
again of DANGEROUS
i want to be LIGHT
i want to be
afraid of NOTHING
as though i had 
                                            MARY OLIVER

May you find your wings and soar,
 so you can be all that you desire to be.