Thursday, February 2, 2012


In life you will realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you. But most important are the ones that bring out the best in you. Those are the ones worth keeping around.                                               ~Anonymous

For many of us this is an all too familiar scenario. Most of us have been tested, especially if we have children. Some of us have been used and left empty, and we have all learned that in every situation there is a lesson. It may be how to behave or how NOT to behave, however there is always knowledge to be gathered in each encounter. 

By recognizing the purpose of the people in our lives we acknowledge that there are individuals who see and appreciate us for who we are. They are the ones who know our hearts and encourage us to be better and live our best life.

May you always be aware of the Keepers in your life.

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