Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Kids

They know me in a way no one ever has.
They open me to things I never knew existed. 
They drive me to insanity and push me to my depths.
They are the beat of my heart,
 the pulse of my veins, 
and the energy in my soul. 
They are my kids.

Sweet Nicole, Em-Azing, 
Tim-my-Favorite and Hannah my Heart. 
I am brought to my knees by the power of a mothers love...I am in awe by the blessings of four remarkably individual children who are  passionate, thoughtful and loving...raising you has stretched and exposed my heart to a plethora of emotions...and at the end of the day, when you lay your head on the pillow, I hope you go to sleep knowing that everything I do for you, comes solely from a place of heart.

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