Monday, November 21, 2011

Yummy Granola

 Food is our common ground, a universal experience.
~James Beard

As I prepare for my children and their friends to come home for Thanksgiving, (I'm so excited for everyone to be under one roof for a few days) I decided to make some granola. It's a big hit around the house. It will make for a quick snack for the early risers or serve as the first course before the main breakfast. 

I like this recipe because I can make it ahead of time, which gives me more time to enjoy my family, and it makes for a nice care package or hostess gift during the holidays.

Here is the recipe, I hope you enjoy it and the upcoming holidays.

Yummy Granola Goodness 
I serve this granola with vanilla yogurt and fresh berries for breakfast, or sprinkle it over ice cream for dessert.

2C old-fashioned oats
3/4 C sliced almonds
1/2 C sweetened flaked coconut
1/2 C coarsely chopped peacans
1/3 C (packed) brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 C unsalted butter
4 tablespoons honey
1 C dried fruit (I use orange flavored crasins and golden berry mix from Trader Joes)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Mix first 7 ingredients in large bowl. Melt butter with honey in heavy small saucepan over low heat. Pour over granola mixture and toss well. Spread out mixture on baking sheet. bake 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add dried fruit; mix to separate any clumps. Continue to bake until granola is golden brown stirring frequently, about 15 minutes loner. Cool. Do ahead Can be make 2 weeks ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.

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