Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Big Cheese

“Dining with one’s friends and beloved family is certainly one of life’s primal and most innocent delights, one that is both soul-satisfying and eternal,” ~Julia Child

click above link for recipe

Last week I went to book club at my friend Michelle's house. Michelle is a very accomplished cook and most gracious hostess. She is forever trying new recipes and expanding her culinary horizons. For lunch we had these AMAZINGLY YUMMY sandwiches! I'm not kidding. I saw these as they were being prepared and I thought to myself..."butternut squash sandwiches...I don't know about this" but I kept my thoughts to myself and waited for lunch to be served. Well let me tell you, these sandwiches were out of this world! The butternut squash paired with the manchego cheese and caramelized onions, was an explosion of sweet and savory goodness in my mouth! 

This lunch made me remember what I love about dining with friends and the experience of trying new things. In my house we can easily become creatures of habit. Often eating the same six items over and over again, not really stepping out of our comfort zone. I would have passed right over this recipe if I would have been thumbing through the magazine, because the combination of ingredients didn't appeal to me at all. But thanks to Michelle, and a delightful afternoon shared with friends, I will be looking at recipes with a new appreciation. 

May you always be open to try new things.

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