Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eyes of Wonder


"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."
~Walt Streightiff

As small children we were experts of wonder. We experienced magic and glee with every new adventure. In the sounds of the babbling creek, passing of a big truck, or the utter delight of a new puppy. Through the eyes of a child we saw wonder with each step we took. And then we grew up.

We can regain the wonder. All we need to do is simply observe the world with that childlike ability, shutting out chaos and clutter and focusing on that which is before us. When we do this it transports us in that magical way back to a state of childlike wonder. And it is in this place that we discover that heaven is not so far away, but instead, everywhere we look.

May you never loose the ability to see the wonder and magic in each day.

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