Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 ~Mary Engelbreit

We all worry to some extent, we worry about taking a test, raising children, making ends meet and the health of a loved one. Worry can be helpful when it spurs you to take action to solve your problems. But when worrying takes on an excessive vibe, it paralyzes your ability to find a solution.  

When it comes to worry, studies have shown the following statistics:

40% never happens – so in essence we are wasting our time by worrying.

30% of what we worry about has already happened. Learn to “let go” and forgive yourself and others. You cannot change the past – no one can. Accept it for what it is and go on.

12% are needless worries, such as what someone else thinks about us.

10% are petty and unimportant such as we worry about what’s for dinner, we worry about being late, we worry about what to wear.

8% of what we worry about actually happens. Of this percentage…

4% of our worries that happen are beyond our control. We cannot change the outcome. These worries may include our health, the death of a loved one or an impending natural disaster. Often times the reality of these events are more bearable than the worry.

4% of what we worry about we have some if not all control over the results. Basically I think this is the consequences of our actions or inaction on the problems and challenges we face.  stop-worrying

In essence you are stronger than you know and you have the power to let go, accept or take action in solving the things that are causing you to worry.

May you always find the strength 
to worry less and live more.

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