Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let Go or Be Dragged

Have you ever noticed that over-thinking often leads to agony. It can keep you from sleeping, eating and ultimately solving your problems.  It's like being dragged behind a car at 50 mph.  By over-thinking and holding onto the rope of fear, your anxiety is magnified and the pain of your situation can become unbearable. Many people hold on, careening out of control, not knowing how to make it stop. But the answer is simple...Let Go! Don't panic, and don't over-think. Take a deep breath and live life as it comes, one day at a time. Your fears may not change, however slowing down, quieting your mind and taking things as they come  will help in dealing with your situation more clearly and logically.

May you always be willing to let go and not be dragged.

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